Aebleskivers—version 2

So, this version of Aebleskivers was much better and I am done looking for a better version. They were lighter, and this is likely because you whip the egg whites, which adds in air. The one thing I would is change out the caradamom for whatever accent you want. For instance, we did lemon which paired well with berries. Cardamom would be fabulous (if I had any) with chocolate. You could do cinnamon, or almond, or whatever. I would give this version an 8. It came from a Danish woman in John’s parent’s ward. I noted my changes in bold.
Anna Poulsen
2 cups buttermilk I added 1/4 cup more than this
2 cups flour I did half wheat
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp. cardamom (you can substitute grated lemon rind if preferred) I did the rind from about 1/2-3/4 a lemon and it was good but definitely tasted like lemon
1/2 tsp. salt
2 Tbs. sugar
4 Tbs. melted butter I added in a bit of oil and swapped out some butter
3 eggs (separated)
1/2 tsp. vanilla (this was my addition)
Beat egg whites stiff. Mix wet ingredients together and add dry ingredients and mix until just combined. Fold in egg whites. Cook


  1. Here are a few helpful tips if you struggle the first time like I did:

    1. Only put about 1/2 TBS in each little half circle in the aebleskiver pan. If you do more than that, the outsides will burn and the insides will be raw.
    2. Put the head to medium-low when working on a gas stove. Again, this helps the outsides and insides cook consistently.
    3. There is one half circle right in the middle of the pan that cooks faster than all the rest. I don't know how or why that is, but you need to be flipping this one about twice as often as the others.
    4. If you use filling (jam, Nutella) in the middle, you'll need to increase the cooking time since you're using more batter.
    5. Cardamom in this is fantastic. Don't use other flavorings.
    6. If you have a second aebleskiver pan, use it. I have 2 but only used one the first few times, and these suckers take forever to make since you can only make six little balls at once. Once you get the flipping and cooking time down, using 2 pans will make the process much faster. Even better, have a second adult be in charge of the other pan.
    7. It seems like a lot of work, but these really are good. Jared even requested them for his birthday breakfast last weekend, so they're more fun and (in my opinion) tastier than the traditional American pancakes.

  2. So, I use the middle section that gets super hot to kind of brown the ones on the side that are done but not quite brown enough. I also use 50% canola oil and half the sugar. We got about 80 for a double batch, which we needed to feed my family. Also, I wipe the skewer after each turn so that I can use the same skewer the whole time and it doesn't get all gooey.


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