Blueberry Muffins


So, this recipe came from a cookbook called “Bouchon Bakery” by Thomas Keller and Sebastien Rouxel. I think this is a solid recipe that is more time consuming, but very good—I would give these an 8 with full fat and sugar, and a slight bit less with my modifications. I put my changes below in bold, and I would absolutely make these again. If you followed the recipe exactly, they would be that much better.


Blueberry Muffins

This makes 12 normal size  muffins, or 6 jumbo size muffins


3/4 cup + 3 Tbs.Frozen blueberries

1 Tbs. all purpose flour


1/2 cup + 2 Tbs. all purpose flour (86 grams)

3/4 cup + 1 1/2 Tbs. cake flour (109 grams)

1/2 +1/8 tsp. baking powder

1/2 +1/8 tsp. baking soda

3/4 tsp. salt

3.4 oz. room temp butter (I did half butter and half canola oil. I put about 4 Tbs. of butter in a bowl and then poured canola oil in until it reached 96 grams, complicated I know, you could probably  just do 4 Tbs. of each)

1/2 cup sugar I cut this down to 1/3 cup

2 Tbs. molasses

2 1/2 Tbs. honey I left this out entirely

72 grams eggs (this is about 2 medium eggs)

1/4 tsp. vanilla paste I did 1 tsp. vanilla instead

1/4 cup buttermilk


3/4 cup almond streusel I didn’t use this much


Almond Streusel


120 grams all purpose flour

120 grams almond flour

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 tsp. kosher salt

4 oz. butter


First, coat the blueberries with the 1 Tbs. of flour and put them back in the freezer. Then, essentially you sift the dry ingredients together, mix the butter in a mixer until its creamy and then add sugar. Mix again and then add the molasses. Then, put in the eggs and vanilla, and mix until it’s just combined. Add half the flour, then half the buttermilk, and then flour then buttermilk. Refrigerate this overnight (or up to 36 hours). When you’re ready to bake, preheat the oven to 425 and then let the batter rest for 5 minutes at room temp. Spoon the blueberries into the batter and then put about 135 grams of batter into each muffin liner. Add some streusel and then put them in the oven. At this point, you lower it to 325 and bake until the toothpick is clean (this took about 20 minutes or so). To make the streusel, you combine the dry ingredients and cut the butter in until it’s very small.I put these on convection bake, just FYI.


  1. For 6 jumbo muffins, they bake for almost 40 minutes or so. Also, I think the sugar could go down to 1/4 cup without much drama.

  2. 1/4 cup of sugar in the muffins is fine, and by weight, you need 3 eggs for a double batch. I cut the sugar in the streusel down to 1/3 cup and you can't even tell.

  3. I think the farthest you can cut is 2 Tbs. molasses and 2 Tbs. of sugar. These are not sweet enough for company, but fine for me. I would go a generous 2 Tbs. on the molasses

  4. So, I think half oil and half butter is best, and for me, 2 Tbs of molasses and 1 T of sugar is fine. I also do 50% almond flour in the muffins. Finally, I cut the sugar in the streusel down to 1/4 cup and I can't tell at all.


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