Pain au Levain aka Sourdough Bread, Try 1

So, I used the recipe from the Peter Reinhart Artisan Bread book. This was great bread, and super soft, but it wasn’t sour. I did add the yeast, so next time, I will just use the plain sourdough starter for the rise. Additionally, I used the grill to cook this, and it burned the bottom. Boo. Use a normal oven.
71 grams mother starter
142 grams bread flour
85 grams whole wheat flour
2/3 cup water


Sourdough starter
11 oz. lukewarm water
2 1/4 tsp. instant yeast (optional)
3 1/2 cups (16 oz.) bread flour
2 1/2 tsp. salt or 3 1/2 tsp. coarse kosher salt

You mix the starter/leaven together for about 2 minutes and then you knead it for 30 seconds. You put it in an oiled bowl and leave it at room temp for about 6-8 hours, until it increased by about 1 1/2 times. If you are using it same day, give it another hour so it is double in size. Otherwise, this goes in the fridge for up to 3 days. Then, when you are ready to make the bread, you cut this starter into 10 pieces and add water, the yeast if you are using it and mix it for about 1 minute. Then you add the salt and the flour. You mix it for 3 minutes, then rest it for 5. You mix for another 3 minutes, then you stretch and fold it. You let it sit for 10 minutes, then you stretch and fold again, rest for 10 again, stretch and fold etc. until it’s been a total of 30 minutes. Then you put this in an oiled bowl and put it in the fridge (unless you don’t add yeast, in which case it sits at room temp for 2 hours first). The next day you carefully remove it from the bowl, trying not to smash out the air bubbles. Shape it and put it in the dutch oven, let it swell to about 1 1/2 time the original size, which should take less than 2 hours. IT bakes at 450-500 for about 20 minutes with the lid on, then take the lid off.


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