Almond Breakfast Cake with Fresh Fruit and Crumble Topping

So, this was good, and I would make it again—it gets an 8. It came from the Tartine cookbook by Elisabeth M Prueitt and Chad Robertson, and I put my changes below in bold

1/2 cup + 1 Tbs. almond paste (6 oz./170 grams) I would make sure to measure this, because I didn’t and I regretted it
1 cup + 2 Tbs. sugar (8 oz./225 grams) I cut this down to 2/3 cup
3/4 cup butter
1 1/2 cups + 2 Tbs. all purpose flour (7.5 oz./215 grams) I would consider using cake flour next time
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
3 large eggs I also added about 1/2 tsp. lf almond extract because I really like the flavor of it

For the cake, you mix the almond paste with the sugar and beat until it’s creamy. Then add the butter and beat some more. Then, combine the dry ingredients and add those and the eggs to the mix at the same time. Mix until barely combined. Do not overmix. Put it an 8 or 9 inch dish and then put the fruit on top and the crumble topping Bake at 350 for about 4o minutes (mine needed longer, but I might have overbaked mine). It’s hard to tell when it’s done because the fruit skews the moisture on the toothpick. I would be careful to not overbake it like I did. You can make this the night before it says and then just put it at room temp for 40 minutes before baking it

Fruit, choose 1
1/2 pint berries, 4 plums, 1 peach, 2 pears or apples. Saute in butter and then spoon on top of the cake before baking. For the pears, I added cinnamon and sugar as well when I was sautéing them. I left some of the moisture in the pan, but I don’t know that I would that again.
So, I used the crumble topping from the blueberry muffin recipe from Bouchon Bakey, since it was almost identical, and which I have copied and pasted here as well:
Almond Streusel (I used about 75% of this on the cake)
120 grams all purpose flour
120 grams almond flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. kosher salt
4 oz. butter


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