Angel Biscuits

Stef blogged these, but without a nice picture, I don’t think people will be too motivated to make them. Let me just say, this is the BEST biscuit recipe I have found. I am done looking—they are amazing. First, you do need a cast iron skillet to bake them in, if that’s at all possible. It gives them very good flavor. Because they contain yeast, they are like a cross between a roll and a biscuit. Can it get any better?
Anyway, here is Stef’s original post, which I put my changes below in bold:
Stef’s mother-in-law Carol got the recipe from
Angel Biscuits
1/2 cup warm water (100° to 110°) 
1 (1/4-oz.) envelope active dry yeast This is 2 1/4 tsp.
1 teaspoon sugar 
5 cups all-purpose flour 
3 tablespoons sugar I just do 1 Tbs. and it’s completely fine 
5 teaspoons baking powder 
1 1/2 teaspoons table salt 
1 teaspoon baking soda 
1/2 cup cold butter, cubed 
1/2 cup shortening, cubed 
2 cups buttermilk I add a few Tbs. less than this, and I have yet to use the full 2 cups, and yes, it does need to be buttermilk
1/4 cup butter, melted and divided I just skip this part and add butter on top when they come out of the oven
Here's the link to the directions:
So, you essentially put water, yeast and sugar in a bowl and let it rise. You then combine the dry ingredients in a separate bowl, cut in the fat, make a well, and pour in the yeast water and the buttermilk. Mix as little as possible until it comes together, and then put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours and up to a day. Take them out, roll them thick-ish, put them in a cast iron skillet. They need to touch on the sides. Bake at 400 for about 15 minutes, until they are light brown on top and then brush them with butter.


  1. The cast iron skill burns them on the bottom with the instructions as is. A cookie sheet might be better.

  2. Cast iron is great if you put it on the top rack and put something underneath it.

  3. So, I did 25% lard, 25% butter and 50% shortening, and I think you need 50% butter, 25% shortening, 25% lard. I also think it helps to grate the butter.


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