Peach blackberry tarts


So, these were awesome. They get a 9.

Here is what I did. I took the tart crust (blogged in April—search for tarts). Here it is again for reference:


Tart Crust

270 grams butter This is about 2 1/2 cubes butter

140 grams sugar This is about 2/3 cup sugar

1 egg

400 grams flour This is about a generous 3 cups flour

Cut this recipe in half for 6 tarts. Cut the dough in 6 equal parts and roll them out one at a time.

Mix butter and sugar together, like a cookie, then add egg, mix in flour. This is crackly dough, like rolling out sugar cookie dough. Make dough. You roll it like pie crust, 1/4 inch thick, cut out slightly larger circle (she uses 4.5 inch circle cutter), and then smoosh it in to the pan once your circle is cut out. Roll a rolling pin over top to cut edge. Make sure it is all patted down (you will push the dough into the crinkly part of the tart pan and then blind bake it at 350. To blind bake it, cut a circle of foil that is about the size of the bottom of the tart, but slightly larger. Dump rice in, then fold the edges inward so it's like a little pouch that will weigh down the dough. Bake it for about 15 minutes or less. The minute they start to brown AT ALL, remove the tinfoil. Take out your tinfoil and bake for another 8-10 minutes or so. The bottom part of your tart and the sides should be a light brown. Take it out, cool for 5 minutes, and then take out of pans.

Then, I made a peach pie filling, which I will include below. Chill that thoroughly, add fresh peaches and blackberries, pipe cream on top. Oh, and sprinkle cinnamon/sugar on top as well.

Puree 4  fresh peaches, add 1/4 cup sugar (you can add up to 3/4 cup if you really like sugar) and add cornstarch water (3 Tbs. cornstarch and 1.2 cup water). Cook over medium until mixture is bubbling and thick. Remove from heat and add 1/2-3/4 tsp. almond extract and 1-2 T. butter. Chill.


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