Blackberry Cherry Cobbler


First, I need to start by admitting I’m a pastry snob. My order of preference for fruit desserts is pie, then fresh fruit on homemade shortbread, and finally cobbler. That being said, I think this recipe is a keeper. This particular combination was only about a 6.5, but that is because my cherries were extremely tart and kind of ruined the whole thing. And, cherries just need almond paired with them. I say cherries stay by themselves in pie. Once I picked those out and just ate the blackberries, it was an 8.5. If you did a peach/blackberry or peach/raspberry cobbler, it would be a solid 9. I combined a few recipes, and here is what I came up with

Blackberry Cherry Cobbler


3 cups cherries (but don’t really use cherries)

3 cups blackberries

1 T. fresh lemon juice

4 T. sugar (I used partial brown sugar)

1-2 Tbs. sure gel or ultragel

pinch salt

dash cinnamon

teensy bit butter

Sprinkle fruit with lemon juice, add other ingredients.

Cobbler topping

1 cup flour

1/4 cup sugar

2 tsp.. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

4 T. butter

1 tsp. freshly grated lemon zest

scant 1/2 cup sour cream

2-3 Tbs. buttermilk or cream to combine

Essentially you dump the fruit in a 9x9 pan (I would let the fruit drain a bit if it’s really wet BEFORE adding the topping ingredients so it’s not too runny). Then, you bring the topping together like you would a basic biscuit dough (combine dry, cut in butter, stir in sour cream with as few strokes as possible, and add the last few T. of buttermilk to get it to come together—don’t get it to wet). Then, you form about 6 teensy balls of dough and drop it on top of the fruit, Bake it at 350 for about 50 minutes or until the filling is bubbly. Wait 15 minutes to serve, and I like vanilla ice cream with it.


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