Fallen Chocolate Cake

This was surprisingly good, which I should have known since it came from the ever fabulous melskitchencafe.com. I think it needs the caramel on top, or at the very least some fresh fruit on the cream. I loved this. I give it a 9. I had a piece and a half and then licked the serving utensils. I have no shame.

Fallen Chocolate Cake

  • 1/2 cup (1 stick, 4 ounces) butter, cut into tablespoon-size pieces
  • 2 tablespoon vegetable, canola, avocado or grapeseed oil
  • 10 ounces (about 1 2/3 cups) semisweet chocolate chips or chopped chocolate (see note)
  • 6 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons natural unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons granulated sugar, divided (you'll use 1/4 cup in the batter, 1/2 cup in the egg whites and 2 tbsp on top of the batter) I didn’t add any to the top of the batter and cut the others down bvy 1 Tbs. each
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (I use coarse, kosher salt)
Recipe retrieved from:

So, you melt the butter and chocolate together and then stir in oil. You separate out 4 eggs. Then, you add 2 more whole eggs to the egg yolks, as well as the cocoa powder and 1/4 cup of the sugar (I did 3 Tbs), salt,  and vanilla. You pour this into the bowl with the chocolate. Then, you whip the egg whites slowly while you add in 1/2 cup sugar (I did 1 Tbs. less than this). Then, you put half in and fold in, then put the other half in and fold until there are no white streaks. You put in a greased 9 inch springform pan and bake at 350 until it barely starts pulling away from the sides and starts to crack. Mine did neither of these things, so I just did it for 25 minutes. I wouldn’t go longer than this. We added cream to ours and caramel and ground coffee. yum.


  1. Soooo, I used the aluminum pan and baked it for like 28 minutes and it was still gooey in the middle.

  2. So, the normal farberware pan works best and 25 minutes is perfect. NO LONGER. I used Brute cocoa today, and putting 1 Tbs. of sugar on the top does wonders to get it to crack. Also, I was able to put the bowl of egg whites upside down and it did not drip or move.


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