Salted Caramel Sauce

I should call this dammit caramel sauce since that's what I kept saying when I made this. This honestly is a very basic recipe, but I messed it up a total of 3 times before I got it right. I overcooked it the first time, added the butter instead of the cream by accident the second time, so it seized up on me, and then undercooked it the third time. The recipe says to cook it to the amber stage between 8-10 minutes, but mine was closer to 6 minutes, so just watch it carefully. This was really good and gets a 7.5. This came from the Layered cookbook.

3/4 C. granulated sugar
2 TBS corn syrup
1/2 C cream at room temperature (it MUST be at room temperature or your caramel will seize up)
2 TBS unsalted butter, diced
3/4 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. vanilla

Okay, you will add the sugar and corn syrup with 2 TBS water in a saucepan and mix it until combined. Turn the heat to high and let it sit. You can swirl it occasionally, but don't stir it. Cook it until it gets to the amber stage and then take it off the heat and SLOWLY mix in the cream. The cream will make it foam and sputter, so make sure your face isn't right next to it. You know, in case you cook things with your face right next to the pot. Add the butter, whisk until melted, and then add salt and vanilla. Pour it into a heat-proof container and let it cook to the desired temperature.


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