Basic Quick Waffles

I have been missing 1-2 components of this recipe both times I've made it, so I can't give this a very confident eating yet. The first time I made them I didn't have any buttermilk because Smith's was completely out, and it was 2 days before Christmas, so there's no way I was going to another store to track some down. I had all the ingredients the second time, but I think my club soda was flat, and the carbonation is necessary in making these airy. Because this is a tried and true recipe from The Food Lab cookbook, I'll try again and give it a more definitive rating.

Basic Dry Pancake Mix (you can obviously use this for pancakes or waffles)
10 ounces (2 C.) all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 sp. baking soda
1 tsp. Kosher salt
1 TBS sugar

You basically mix all these ingredients and set aside.

Basic Quick Waffles
1 recipe Basic Dry Pancake Mix
2 large eggs
1/2 C buttermilk
4 TBS unsalted butter, melted
1 C ice-cold club soda
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Maple syrup

You will separate the eggs and beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. In another large bowl, whisk the buttermilk and egg yolks together and then slowly pour in the butter while still whisking. Fold the egg whites into the yolk mixture until just combined and then fold in the club soda. Pour this mixture over the dry ingredients you mixed earlier and fold until just combined. Cook in waffle iron.


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