Curried Fish over Orange Cashew Rice

This was a combination of more than one recipe, so the orange cashew rice is one I blogged a couple of years ago, but the fish is a new recipe I based on a recipe from The Great American Slow Cooker Book by Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough. They have a recipe on page 331 called Thin Fish Fillets in Spicy Coconut  Milk, and I used that as a base. Here is the sauce that you make in a slow cooker:

6 Tbs. onion
4-6 cloves of minced garlic
1 can of coconut milk
3/4 cup chicken broth
3 Tbs. lime juice
3 Tbs. ginger paste
1 Tbs. Red Thai curry paste
1/2 tsp. turmeric and curry powder
garam masala and smoked paprika (a few shakes)

So, I put all those ingredients in the slow cooker and put it on low for a few hours. Then, I added a handful of chopped basil and frozen cod fillets. It ended up tasting like curried fish, and it was quite good. The fish took about an hour to cook from frozen to done, maybe less? Anyway, this was a solid 7.5


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