Miso-Glazed Fish
This great photo is from the NYTimes site because I'm not that talented with a camera. A friend made this for me two weeks ago and I wasn't excited at all until I actually opened my mouth and tried the fish. My expectations were low - like expecting to be entertained while watching the Kim Kardashian reality TV show low. And then, I surprised myself by eating it all like Hoggy McHoggerson, then wished I had more. This is really tasty. I give it a 9 and would totally make it again. Again, I don't make fish much and don't think it's that good because I'm lazy about trying new things sometimes. I only make salmon. But this is a really good flavor. AND it's easy. We marinated the fish for about two hours and it was perfect. No need to marinate longer than a few hours. We bought black cod (fresh because we live in the beautiful PNW. Take that, bitches). Because we are smart adults who know how to steer clear of bones, it was easy to eat and pull the bones out as ...