Zucchini Bread

This is probably the best zucchini bread recipe I have found. I got it from my sister-in-law, Ange, and have changed it just slightly. This has been my go-to recipe for years and I love it. It gets an 8.8. As always, my changes are in bold.

3 eggs
1 C. oil
2 C. brown sugar I use only 1 1/4 C. 
2 cups zucchini, grated
3 C. flour I use 2 3/4 C.
dash of nutmeg I add 1/4 tsp. 
1 TBS vanilla I use 1 TBS + 1 tsp.
1 TBS cinnamon 1 TBS + 1 tsp.
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. ginger
1/4 tsp. cloves

Mix together and bake in 2 bread pans sprayed with cooking spray and coated with a cinnamon and brown sugar mixture. Also sprinkle cinnamon/sugar mixture on top. Bake at 350 for 50-55 minutes. I bake mine for 45 minutes.


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