Coconut Muffins
There, I promised you a better picture, and here you go. So, these were really good. They probably get an 8.5, and they are probably more cake than muffin. But, they are way fun to serve. So, I couldn’t find a recipe I totally loved, so I combined a few and made my own up. I looked mainly at and, so you can look at their versions as well So, here is my version. And, I put my own thoughts in bold, you know, out of habit.
Coconut Muffins
1/3 cup canola oil (a lot of recipes called for 1/2 cup coconut oil, but I just can’t bear to put 105 grams of saturated fat into a muffin recipe that makes 12 muffins, sorry, but I can’t. If those things don’t bother you, I’m sure it would be double awesome)
1/4 cup sugar (I was generous with my measurement, but it would be fine either way. Most recipes have double this amount of sugar)
1 egg
1 cup canned coconut milk (not the boxed kind!)
1/2 tsp. coconut extract
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 cup coconut, chopped fine (most recipe called for way more)
1 1/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2-2 tsp. baking powder (I probably did 1 3/4 tsp.)
Mix wet ingredients. Add coconut. Add dry ingredients, and stir until the mixture is BARELY moistened with no flour globs. Don’t stir too much or they will be tough. Spoon into 12 muffins, then put about 2 tsp. of coconut on top of each muffin. Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes (toothpick comes out clean, blah, blah), and you can broil the coconut at the end if it isn’t browned enough. Let them cool a slight bit. Think kindly thoughts about Mel and her amazing muffins and how glad you are that she exists in your life.
Here are some important note. First, do not use less than 1/3 cup of sugar. I think it would be best if you used 2 T. of coconut oil and the rest canola oil. I would up the coconut extra to 3/4 tsp. or maybe even 1 tsp. if that isn't enough. I might also add a couple more Tbs. of flour, and don't skimp on the cooking time. The vanilla also needs to be increased by 1/2 tsp. Full fat coconut milk is a must if you don't use coconut oil.