Apple Turnovers, version 2 (the best)

So, I worked with these some more, and I sort of just made up my own recipe, and this is a winner. They get a 9. Now, this calls for frozen puff pastry. Note that I RARELY buy anything pre-made, typically because it tastes much better to make it yourself. After having made puff-pastry from scratch, I can now say that it’s better to buy the frozen version. It’s better. Sadly.


Apple Turnovers (makes 16 total)

In a saucepan, melt 1 Tbs. of butter and then add:

6 medium/large apples, sliced into even pieces (I used part granny smith, and it was a great choice)

1 Tbs. lemon juice

2 T. brown sugar

2 T. white sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1/4 tsp. cloves

1/4 tsp. salt

Stir this frequently until the apples are mostly tender. They will yield a lot of moisture that will throughout this process gradually cook down until there is a thick-ish syrup.

Roll our 4 sheets of frozen puff pastry (this is 2 boxes of the frozen Pepperidge Farms brand, which I bought). Cut each sheet into 4 equal squares. Then put as much filling as you can into the turnover while still being able to fold it over diagonally and crimp the edges down with a fork. I bet this is around 2-3 Tbs. or so. Then, take a knife and put three long slits into the top of the turnover. Cover it with an egg wash and then either turbinado sugar or cinnamon/sugar. Then, bake them at 400 for about 20 minutes or so. They will begin to turn brown on top. Also, I made a batch on 2 separate days with the same apples, and they were much better the day of. These are also way better served with ice cream.



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