Creamy Dutch oven potatoes

So, my dad has made these for years and they are awesome. However, his version of this is much more awesome than what I made. First, this gets an 8.


Here is the recipe I used:


1 onion (use two)

2 cans Cheddar Cheese soup (I know this is gross, but apparently it’s essential, and if you’re making a big dutch oven, you might need 3)

2 empty soup cans of buttermilk (we also added chicken broth, and it was too runny—mine are never thick enough, sigh!)

1 container sour cream

Chicken seasoned with Lawry’s seasoned salt

carrots (leave them out)

My dad says he uses at least 50% Polygamy Porter, which is an ale or beer of some type and then 50% buttermilk. I did not do this and the flavor was off. He said he normally caramelizes the onions, adds the potatoes, the sauce, and then sometimes dots the top with butter. You bake it for a long time either in the fire or in an oven, you know.


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