Turkey Dressing or Stuffing

I forgot to snap a close up, but here is a very useless, far way shot.

 This is a combination of a recipe from my childhood and a recipe I got from a lady in my neighborhood who is a good cook (Cyndee Ludlow).

Turkey Stuffing

1 1/2 lbs. bread, left out for 2 days to get stale. then, cut into cubes and let sit for another day

To this cubed bread, you add 2 tsp. salt, 2 1/2 T. poultry seasoning, ground pepper. Stir

Then, you melt 3/4 cup butter and saute 3 onions and a bunch of celery in it (I did half the salt in here). Then, you dump this over the bread and pour 1 can of hot chicken broth over the bread while stirring. It shouldn't be too wet. I did a 9x13 pan and a tiny rectangular pan, but I think this could probably all fit in a single 9x 13 pan. Spray the pan with cooking spray first. Then, you bake this uncovered at 350 for about 1 hr. 15 minutes. I covered mine a bit towards the end because it was getting too brown.


  1. I think this is supposed to say 1 1/2 packages of bread b/c each Granny Smith package is already 24 oz. I put this all in a single 9x13 pan this year, and it was almost too much. I would almost just shrink the recipe down by 20% or so and then it would be perfect.


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