Chicken Cordon Bleu


So, I used to make this a lot more, but my kids don't remember it so I decided to make it again for them. They liked it, of course, because it's chicken cordon bleu. Here is what I did.


First, I pounded chicken breast thin, then I put the ham and cheese down and tried to pull the corners together a bit. Then I dredged it in flour then dipped it in egg then rolled it in bread crumbs and then put it on a parchment lined pan. To keep it together I just kind of tried to form it into a ball and kept ahold of it while I dipped it. I put the part I gathered together face down on the pan. 

1 slice of Hormel natural honey ham and 1 slice of swiss cheese, layered together.

Flour Dredge

1 cup flour

paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, seasoned salt, salt and pepper


4 eggs

2 T. dijon mustard

Bread Crumbs

1 cup panko

1 packet ritz crackers, pulsed in food processor until fine

1 tsp. onion powder

1/2 tsp. garlic powder

1 tsp. seasoned salt

1/4 tsp. paprika

salt and pepper

parmesan cheese, freshly grated, about 1/2 cup or so

canola oil (about 2 Tbs. that I stirred into the crumbs so it would darken better in the oven.


350 for 25 minutes, check to see if it's at 160 then broil to brown crumbs.



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