Chocolate Mint Ice Cream

I heart this ice cream. The recipe is from Lisa Blair, and it’s super easy because it somehow pulls off great ice cream without using any traditional methods. I give this a 9.

2 cups heavy cream
2 cups normal cream
1 cup milk I will do half cream, half milk for the 5 cups
2 eggs
1 1/8 cup sugar I will do between 1/2 and 2/3 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
2 1/4 tsp. vanilla
1 box of thin mints
3/4 cup bittersweet chocolate, melted

So, she beats the sugar and the eggs, whisks in the melted chocolate, adds the cream and remaining ingredients, freezes it, and then adds in the chunks of thin mint cookies.


  1. Chocolate Ice Cream

    3 cups half and half
    1/2 cup cream
    3 T. sugar,
    6 medium egg yolks,
    1/4 tsp. salt,
    6 oz. milk chocolate, melted,
    4 Tbs. cocoa,
    2 tsp. vanilla.

    I melted the chocolate and the cream together, then I whisked the sugar, eggs, and salt together. I brought the milk and the cocoa to a simmer, tempered the eggs, and cooked it to 160. Then I combined them together.


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