White Chocolate Peppermint Mousse

Well, this recipe is hard to replicate because I didn’t write it down and I made it up so now I am trying to re-create it after the fact, which is always tenuous. But, that being said, this is good. I made it as a mousse, and put it in my candy cane cake as a layer, so it has dual uses. This is probably an 8.8. And, it is EASY. But, the method is important to note, because I screwed the first batch up.


11 oz. white chocolate (I use Guittard vanilla A’Peels)

1/2 tsp. peppermint extract

1 1/2 cups heavy cream

So, you  melt the white chocolate in a stainless steel bowl over boiling water, and stir constantly so it doesn’t burn. From there, you whisk in the extract. Keep the sides of the bowl scraped with a spatula or it will harden.

Then, put the cream in your mixer and start mixing for a few seconds until it gets a bit frothy (you will see a few bubbles form on the side). Then, SLOWLY pour in the melted white chocolate as you keep the mixer going at medium. With a bit of luck, your cream will be perfectly whipped right as you are done pouring in the chocolate. My mixer had a ring of hardened white chocolate right above the height of the cream, so don’t scrape the hard pieces in when you take it out of the mixer.

Chill for about 6 hours and then top with chopped peppermint bark.


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