Beef Stroganoff

So this was an embarrassing cooking fail on my end. I got the recipe from my mother-in-law and really wanted to try it since the only beef stroganoff I had growing up was the Hamburger Helper brand. So I've never cooked with bullion before since I use beef or chicken broth in most of my recipes. I bought a jar of the concentrated kind at the store and didn't know you had to add it to water. This recipe calls for 1 cup of bullion, and luckily Jared walked into the kitchen as I was dumping out the entire jar into a 1 Cup measuring cup and stopped all of us from dying from sodium overdose. All I needed was 1 teaspoon. Unfortunately, he didn't further tell me that I needed to add it to 1 cup of water, so I threw it in the skillet with everything else. As a result, it was really thick and cooked much faster than it should have and the flavor was a big strong. Boo. With as much cooking as I've done in my life, I shouldn't have made such a rookie mistake. As it was, we gave it a 6. Under the right circumstances, I would image it being a 7 or 7.5.

Beef Stroganoff

1/8 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 C. chopped onion
2 T. shortening I used butter
1/4 C. flour
1 lb. sirloin steak (bite-size)
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 can. 3 oz. mushrooms I used fresh
2 T. ketchup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 C. beef bullion
1/2 pint sour cream

Sautee garlic powder and onion in hot shortening. Remove from skillet. Brown beef. Return onion and garlic to skillet. Add undrained mushrooms, ketchup and bullion. Cover. Cook over low heat 1 hour. Add sour cream and see immediately over noodles or rice.


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