Lemon Raspberry Tarts

So, I tried a new tart crust recipe from the Bouchon Bakery cookbook. The texture was better, but I think I like the taste of the original recipe better.

Pate Sucree

375 grams flour
46 grams powdered sugar
94 grams powdered sugar
47 grams almond flour
225 grams unsalted butter
1/2 vanilla bean (I just used about 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract)
56 grams eggs

So, you sift the flour, almond flour, and the 46 grams of powdered sugar into a bowl. Then, you cream the butter well, add the remaining 94 grams of powdered sugar, and then  beat about 1 minute. Add the vanilla and then the dry ingredients in 2 different additions, combining everything. Add the eggs and mix on low for about 30 seconds. Wrap it and put in fridge for 2 hours. I got 14 tartlets out of this, and I baked mine at 350 for 30 minutes and then 15 minutes. As soon as the tops brown, take out the rice or pie weights or whatever you use to weigh it down. I’m a genius and used a muffin wrapper with pie weights and they came out super easy. Then, you bake for another 15 minutes or so.

Lemon Curd (just check the blog)
Raspberry jam or sauce layer
Raspberry cream (I just put raspberry jam in whipped cream, but not too much)


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