Chicken Casserole—aka Mormon Food

I didn’t include a picture because I know it would have discouraged people from clicking on this post. I have loved casserole since I was a kid, and I fully admit it is plain, and somewhat dull, and not very healthy. I only make one casserole, and it’s only a few times a year, but hadley and I love it (and, most everyone else with any discerning taste hates it). However, if Hadley ever needs to find the recipe for this uber-Mormon meal, here it is:

Chicken Cassrole

2 cups brown rice, cooked
2 lbs. broccoli, cooked
1 chicken breast,. shredded (or 1 can of that Costco chicken)
Cheddar cheese, 1 cup or so
1/2 cup sour cream (you could just do a can of cream of chicken, along with the sour cream and mayo, but I don’t think it adds much)
1/2 cup mayo
lemon juice from 1/2 a lemon
salt and pepper, to taste
seasoned salt, to taste
onion powder, to taste
Bread crumbs
parmesan cheese

So, you combine everything except the bread crumbs and parmesan cheese and stir it together. You then grind a chunk of parmesan with some bread, and then put that on top. You bake it at 350, you know, until it’s hot all the way through. Prepare yourselves for something bland, but if you have some strange recessive gene, you might just like it.


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