Chocolate Mousse Cake


Wait a minute, you might think. Didn’t the awesome Mel already blog this fantastic recipe. Why yes, yes she did. And did the blog somehow lose it? Why yes, yes it did. I searched forever for this on Sunday through every category and even used the search feature, and finally I got so mad I decided I would re-blog it since I did change it up a bit anyway. So, it’s a 9. It’s chocolate cake and mousse. Enough said.

Oh, and this is a very tall layer cake, as shown below, so it serves a ton:


Chocolate cake-

Use the Devil’s Food Cake recipe I blogged around December, put it in 2 round cake pans, probably around 9 inch. And cool them. Cut them each in half so you have a total of 4 layers.

Chocolate Mousse, courtesy of my old, amazing friend A’Lynn Berg

1 lb. Semi sweet chocolate I used 75% dark and 25% milk, and the Callebaut callets work great

2 eggs

2 egg yolks

2 cups whipping cream

6 T. confectioner's sugar I reduced this to 4 T.

4 egg whites

2 tsp. vanilla this is my addition

Soften chocolate in top of double boiler, over simmering water. Let cool to lukewarm. Add 2 whole eggs and mix well. Add yolks and mix until thoroughly blended. Whip cream with confectioner's sugar until soft peaks form. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Stir a little of the cream and egg whites into chocolate mixture. Fold in remaining whipped cream and egg whites until completely incorporated.

Important note about making mousse. I learned the hard way that you have to have everything ready to combine. In order words, as soon as the chocolate is slightly cooled, put those eggs in, and then as soon as that is done have your egg whites and cream ready. This is the only way to get a smooth mousse.

Raspberry Layer

I used fresh raspberries that I basically pulsed in a food processor (I used half a big thing from Costco) and then I spread this thickly on the cake layers before I added the mousse. The mousse is hard to spread, so glop it around the cake so you don’t have to spread it as much. You could also use raspberry curd, which would taste better, but is more work


I used sweetened cream with vanilla, because it’s easy. It also cuts some of the chocolate so that it isn’t quite so strong.

In other words, it goes cake, raspberry, mousse, cake, etc. until it’s stacked and then you frost the top with cream. Chill this for 4 hours before serving.


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