Raspberry Mousse

I have made many types of mousse, including those with raw eggs and gelatin. I like this version WAY WAY better—I give this a 9. I use this as a filling between layers of layer cake, as well as a frosting for the outside. It is delightful. It is light (tasting, anyway), bright, and just beautiful. Here is what I do:

Raspberry Mousse

8 oz. Philadelphia brand full-fat cream cheese
dash salt
2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 cup powdered sugar
3/4 cup homemade raspberry jam (my jam is 2:1 fruit to sugar ratio, so it’s way more fruit than sugar)
1 1/2 – 1 3/4 cup liquid heavy cream

So, the heavy cream is important because it counteracts all the liquid-ish nature of the jam. Also, you could use fruit puree as well, which I’ve done in the past, but I like the jam much, much better.


  1. If you add fresh raspberries, don't add them until the end and then fold them in whole. Otherwise, it gets way too runny. Also, we used probably a full cup of jam to get a strong enough raspberry flavor.


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