Apple Turnovers


So, I love turnovers (These get an 8.5). Well, mostly I love puff pastry. My most awesome friend Rebecca is a pastry chef and decided to show me how to make puff pastry from scratch. It’s a ton of work! I honestly think this will go on my list of things that are worth buying pre-made. Which is saying a lot for me. This takes about 5 hours to make from start to finish.  You have to roll it a ton, hence Rebecca below looking a bit frantic.


In addition to turnovers, she made cookies called palmiers, or something to that effect. They do look cute:


Anyway, here is the recipe:

Puff Pasty Dough

500 grams all purpose flour

10 g. salt

250 ml. water

130 g. butter

250 g. butter for folding in.

The directions are so intense. Look them up online if you want to make this.

For the apple filling, we used the apples from the Annie’s Eats caramel apple bars that I blogged a few weeks ago. We added caramel as well, and they were great. We baked them at 425 for about 20 minutes.


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