Frozen Lemon Custard

For the record, John doesn’t like lemon or shortbread cookies (yes, he IS insane). But, he gave this very dessert that contained both of those items a 9. It was pretty dang good. I got the recipe from, and I noted what I did differently below. First though, here is my BFF Rebecca trying it out. See how awesome it is!


It was a bit soft in the beginning, so we then froze it for a couple of hours and it was harder. Like this:


The picture sucks, but only because John was too impatient to wait to eat it. Yes, the same John who hates lemon and hates shortbread cookies.

Here is the recipe:

Frozen Lemon Custard

Posted By Kate @ Our Best Bites On 07.22.2014 @ 10:08 pm

Frozen Lemon Custard {With Shortbread Cookies}
Recipe adapted from


2 cups heavy whipping cream (I got the kind from Costco, but it was too heavy. Next time, I buy normal non-heavy cream on meth)
1 cup half and half (I just cut this out entirely and did half milk half cream)
Pinch of salt
1 1/4 cup sugar (I cut this down to 1 cup)
3 tablespoons lemon zest
5 egg yolks
3/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
Optional: 5-ish ounces of shortbread cookies, broken into pieces (I used 1 package of Lorna Doone’s—the best shortbread cookie ever)


In a large saucepan, combine the heavy cream, half and half, salt, sugar, and lemon zest. Over medium-low heat, stirring very frequently, heat the mixture until bubbles form around the edges. Remove from heat.

While the mixture is heating, whisk 5 egg yolks together. After you’ve removed the cream mixture from heat, remove 1 cup of the hot cream mixture from the pan. Very slowly, just a few tablespoons at a time, and whisking constantly, pour the hot cream mixture into the eggs. If you add the cream mixture too quickly the eggs will scramble, so go slow and be patient.

After you’ve added all the hot cream mixture, return the pan with the cream mixture to medium-low heat and slowly whisk in the egg mixture. Heat, stirring constantly, until thickened–it’s ready when you dip the back of a spoon into the mixture and, when you drag your finger through it, it leaves a trail. Remove from heat and Ccill in the refrigerator (for several hours or overnight).

When the mixture is chilled, add the freshly squeezed lemon juice, stir to combine, and freeze according to your ice cream maker’s instructions (a 4-5 quart machine). While the ice cream is churning, take a package of shortbread cookies and break them. During the final few minutes of churning (or after you remove the ice cream from the machine), mix in the broken cookies. Transfer to a freezer-safe container and freeze for at least four hours before serving. Makes 10-12 servings.

Article printed from Our Best Bites:

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recipe retrieved 8-11-14 from


  1. SO, I did 2 cups cream, 2 cups of milk, and 3/4 cup sugar. It was totally as good as the original. We also did 8 medium egg yolks for a double batch.


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