The Best Sugar Cookie Ever

Those of you who know me well know that I don't like sugar cookies. I like food with flavor, and sugar cookies have no discernible flavor (because sugar is not a flavor). Not only that, but most sugar cookies are dense and crumbly, which makes for an overall yuck experience for me. Right before we moved from Lehi last year, our next-door neighbor (Jackie Finlinson) brought over some sugar cookies, and they were just lovely because they had great almond flavor and were soft and wonderful.      They get an 8, and she said it's a family recipe that she's modified to make more almondy.

4 C. flour
1 C. butter
1 C. sugar (I used 3/4 C.)
3 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt

Mid all ingredients and add:
1 C. milk
2 eggs
1 tsp. almond flavoring

Mix, cut into desired shape, and bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes.

Warning- these are super soft when rolling out and cutting, so I would recommend refrigerating them for at least 1 hour before-hand. I did this, and they were still incredibly soft, so make sure you flour your surface so that they don't stick and tear when you try to pick them up.

She said that she doesn't have an exact recipe for the frosting, but just melts butter, adds powdered sugar and almond flavoring and milk 1 TBS at a time until desired consistency. I think I used 1/2 C. butter, 2 C. powdered sugar, and 1 tsp almond flavoring. This can obviously be changed to suit your tastes. She said it's also important to keep them in the fridge.


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