Wonton Salad—part II

I made this again and it was a 9 this time, so I am including what I did to improve it. This is awesome. Emma gave it a 10, and 3 of my kids ate salad—it’s a winner. I basically am keeping the picture and adding what I did and will do from now on.

photo (1)

Won Ton Salad

3 heads romaine lettuce

14 wonton squares, 3 big sheets, cut up into squares--fry them in canola oil, deep fry (teensy saucepan, 1" of oil) –these cook fast. I put 4 in at a time and they cooked in about 30 seconds. They should be light brown when you’re finished.

1 cup toasted almonds (I roast them in oil with salt)

4 fresh mandarins, peeled and sectioned

1 cup frozen peas, thawed slightly

2 stalks celery (I didn’t add this because I didn’t have any, but I will next time)

sesame seeds (toasted ones are great, but normal ones work as well)

1 Chicken breast, cut into teensy bits

Cook chicken  in equal parts of 1 T. sugar and 1 1/2 T. soy sauce

Mix sauce and put it in the pan, it bubbles, and put the chicken in. Slice the chicken in thin slices, and then you can chop them smaller or put them in the food processor.

Combine all ingredients and add dressing right before serving.


1 Tbs. or so of Asian red sweet chile sauce

1 Tbs. or so of soy sauce

1 small clove minced garlic

1/4 c. oil

3 T. rice vinegar

1 tsp. salt


Combine salad ingredients, and then we put the dressing on the side so people could add it to taste, which I liked because it kept things crispy instead of soggy.


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